Symptom Management
As a general rule of thumb, try to incorporate the following things into your daily life
Pacing and resting
Break tasks into bite size, more manageable chunks
Be aware of your energy levels and rest as required
Be aware of your mental health – stay in touch with friends and family, keep active
Have a healthy diet – lots of vegetables, nuts, fruit
Take gentle exercise if you feel able to
Aim to get a good sleep
Contact your GP if symptoms continue or get worse
Ideas to help with some of the more common symptoms of Long Covid
Respiratory symptoms
Think about what brings on the breathlessness
If it’s brought on by exertion, slow down or stop
If it’s brought on by anxiety or panic, stop what you’re doing
No matter what causes it, sit down in a comfy chair, relax your shoulders and breathe gently, in through your nose and out through your mouth until your breathing normalises
Keep your hand on your tummy as you do this – you should feel your tummy rising and falling
You can learn more about breathing if you watch Wendy's Respiratory Physio videos
If breathlessness is a regular feature of your Long Covid, watch the videos on Relaxation and Singing
If you have a cough and your doctor has ruled out any cause other than Long Covid try some of the following –
Stay well hydrated
Sip water regularly
Suck on a fruity sweet. Avoid medicated lozenges
Blow your nose if your throat is tickly – try not to sniff as this propels the mucous to your throat and causes irritation
If the above symptoms are familiar then you may find Annabelle's video on voice problems helpful
Heart and circulation symptoms
Chest pain or tightness
If there is accompanying breathlessness or breathing difficulty, loss of consciousness, pain radiating to the left arm and/or the jaw or any other part of the torso, you should dial 999
Otherwise, you should have any chest pains or tightness assessed by a doctor
If there is no obvious cause for these symptoms, try taking part in the Seated Relaxation Routine video
Palpitations are usually harmless and cause you to feel your heart beating in your chest
They can cause light headedness
If your doctor is satisfied that there is no underlying cause for the palpitations, try Fiona's video on relaxation
An excellent resource relating to symptom management and tips for recovery provided by the British Heart Foundation can be found > here